New LoRa examples are here

With pleasure we want to announce you that we have prepared new LoRa WAN examples for PRODINo ESP32. We were able to port LORAWAN and LORAWAN_v2 libraries to work with ESP32 platform. With our examples you can update LoRaWAN module Murata CMWX1ZZABZ firmware to the latest version. You can find them here:Compatible with LORAWAN GitHubCompatible with LORAWAN V2 […]

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ProDino ESP32 series is on the Market

ProDino ESP32 series is on the MarketOur ProDino ESP32 series is on the Market. After long time of development and tests we present you our devices form series ProDino ESP32. It is completely new device that includes a lot of new features as micro processor with 2 cores, 2 additional internal connectors, relay status leds, […]

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Our new ProDino ESP32 has become more powerful

Our new ProDino ESP32 has become more powerful Our new ProDino ESP32 has become more powerful after we have done with redesign. There are more changes:All LED indicators are near to the front of the box.We added new status RGB LED (in left after relay LEDs).To stayed more free pins we added an expander to manage […]

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Our ProDino ESP32 is a communication Swiss knife

The base picture was download from pixabay.com, thank you!Our ProDino ESP32 is a communication Swiss knife If you want to communicate with: WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, GSM and RS485 or some combination of them – our ProDino ESP32 is for you. Our ProDino ESP32 is in stage tasting. The device includes: ESP32 module for WiFi and Bluetooth, […]

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Developing ProDino MKR Zero series examples

Developing ProDino MKR Zero series examples ​​​​We are developing ProDino MKR Zero series examples. They are for our new product series ProDino MKR Zero. We arranged to:RS485 protocol RS485 Echo. In this example a board works as repeater. It collected input bytes and then transmit them back to other device. The picture up shows connected […]

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New ProDino WiFi ESP32 is here!

Our new ProDino WiFi ESP32 is here! New ProDino WiFi ESP32 prototypes are in our hands! The story: Our first WiFi device was ProDino WiFi V1.  It was perfect WiFi device. Easy to use, with awesome Arduino community support. More from our clients really love it.But in some cases our costumers wanted more free pins to solved your […]

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