ESP32 Swiss knife
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Our ProDino ESP32 is a communication Swiss knife

If you want to communicate with: WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, GSM and RS485 or some combination of them - our ProDino ESP32 is for you. 

Our ProDino ESP32 is in stage tasting. The device includes: ESP32 module for WiFi and Bluetooth, Ethernet with W5500 and SARAU201 GSM module.

Our ProDino ESP32 test hardware

ProDino ESP32 test hardware

By test purpose we created an example which use simultaneously WiFi, GSM and Ethernet:

  • Ethernet example is server;
  • WiFi is HTTP server;
  • GSM works through Blynk connection

All these examples are working together.

The hardware department is redesigning ProDino ESP32 now. Them rearrange the connectors, move isolated inputs outside, power led also appears outside and we are going to add new status RGB LED.

Road map of the product:

  • Redesign 2 weeks;
  • Create an prototype and test redesigned product 2 weeks;
  • Production 3 weeks;
  • Go to the market 🙂

We wait it will be at the middle of December 2018.

Below you can see some picture from the test.

ESP32 prototype test debugInfo

Debug information

Our ProDino ESP32 test Ethernet web page

WiFi web page

Our ProDino ESP32 test Ethernet web page

Ethernet web page

Our ProDino ESP32 test Blynk example

Blynk example


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