PRODINo ESP32 versions 


This PRODINo ESP32 Versions tutorial will help you to start with your ProDino ESP32 xxxx board.

PRODINo ESP32 versions examples…

How to install the board and the examples

1. Opening the Arduino IDE

From a menu select File/Preferences

Install custom board in Arduino step 1

2. Pressing over the red highlighted button

Installing custom board in Arduino IDE step 2

3. In the window pastes

the link: as shown below:

Installing custom board in Arduino IDE step 2

Pressing OK and again OK.

4. Select Tools/Board: “xxxxxx”/Boards Manager…

Installing custom board in Arduino IDE step 4

5. In a find field enter esp32

When the board “esp32 by Espressif Systems” is shown click over the button Install. The installation procedure takes bout 2 minutes. Close this window.

Installing custom board in Arduino IDE step 5

6. From menu Tools/Board: “xxxx”, ESP32 Dev Module

Installing custom board in Arduino IDE step 6

7. A board settings should be follow:

(exclude the Port, it is specific per your computer)

Installing custom board in Arduino IDE step 7

8. Installing a board library:

  1. 1Downloading and saving the file “” on your desktop
  2. 2Opening your Arduino IDE. From the menu selects: Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library…
  3. 3Select the zip file “” from your desktop and click Open
  4. 4You can see our examples in: File > Examples > (Section: Examples from Custom Libraries) ProDino_ESP32

Flashing the firmware on the device

Getting  some Arduino UART programmer and debugger

They may look like:

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial programmerFTDI Programmer V1 TOP

Attention! If the programmer supports a voltage selector 3.3V and 5.0V you have to set it to 3.3V!

Power the device

Connecting a power supply with a board Power input. The voltage has to be between 8 – 30 V. The power supply has to support minimum 0.5 A (the min and max current is a different for every board).

ProDinoESP32 Powering the device

Plug the programmer in programming J4 port

ProDinoESP32 Programming J4 port

Be careful! The programmer GND pin must be put in the port GND.

The steps for programming the board:

  1. 1Powering the device
  2. 2Linking a programmer with the computer through USB cable
  3. 3In Arduino IDE you can set Programmer port from the menu Tools/Port
  4. 4Plug the programmer into programming J4 port
  5. 5In Arduino IDE click Verify
  6. 6Press and hold a Boot button on the board. In Arduino IDE click Upload
  7. 7After the LEDs on the programmer start flashing you may release Boot button