PRODINo MKR Versions
This PRODINo MKR Versions tutorial will help you to start with your PRODINo MKR xxxx board.
How to install the board and the examples
1. Opening the Arduino IDE
From a menu select Tools/Board: "xxxxxx">Boards manager...
Finding Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) by Arduino (you should select latest, the highest version)
2. Pressing over the red highlighted button

Waiting to install the board software.
3. Updating Ethernet library version to latest
- 1From the many select Sketch>Include Library>Menage libraries...
- 2Finding Ethernet by Various (See AUTHORS file for details) Version 2.0.0 or latest
- 3Click Update

4. Select Tools/Board: "xxxxxx">Boards manager...
Choose Arduino MKR GSM 1400. It is a board for all variants: ProDino MKR Zero, ProDino MKR Zero Ethernet, ProDino MKR GSM, ProDino MKR GSM Ethernet.

5. Installing the board library:
- 1Downloading and save a file ""on your desktop.
- 2Opening your Arduino IDE. From the menu select: Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library...
- 3Select the zip file "" from your desktop and click Open.
- 4You can see our examples in: File > Examples > (Section: Examples from Custom Libraries) ProDino_MKRZero
Flashing firmware on the device
Powering the device
Connecting a board Vin to power supply. Voltage should be 8 - 30 V. Currency minimum 0.3 A. On the picture below power cable has a red and a black wires.

ProDino MKR Zero Ethernet

ProDino MKR Zero GSM Ethernet
Plug USB micro connector in the programming port
As showed in pictures above.
You can see below where is a programming and debugging port.

The steps:
- 1Connecting a computer through USB cable
- 2Put the USB micro connector in programming and debugging port
- 3Powering the device
- 4In the Arduino IDE from menu Tools/Port set your board port "COMx (Adruino MKR GSM 1400)"
- 5Click Verify
- 6Click Upload