
In this ProDino WiFi tutorial will help you to start with your ProDino WiFi board. The board details...

PRODINo WIFI-ESP WROOM-02 examples...

How to install the board and the examples

1. Opening the Arduino IDE 

From a menu select File/Preferences

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial

2. Pressing over the red highlighted button

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial install

3. In the window paste

the link: as shown below:

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial board json

Pressing OK and again OK.

4. Select Tools/Board: "xxxxxx"/Boards Manager...

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial

5. You should find the board "esp8266 by ESP8266 Community" and then press "Install"

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial install board

Close the window.

6. Selecting Tools/Board: "xxxxxx", "Generic ESP8266 Module"

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial select board

7. A board settings should be following:

(exclude Port, it is specific per your computer)

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial board settings

8. Installing the board library:

  • 1
    Downloading and save the file ""on your desktop.
  • 2
    Opening your Arduino IDE. From the menu select: Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library...
  • 3
    Select the zip file "" from your desktop and click Open.
  • 4
    You can see our examples in: File > Examples > (Section: Examples from Custom Libraries) PRODINo_WiFi-ESP_WROOM-02

Flashing firmware on the device

Get an Arduino programmer and debugger

Look like this:

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial programmer

Attention! If the programmer has a voltage selector 3.3V and 5.0V you  have to set it to 3.3V!

Please check. The device will be damage if it set on 5.0V.

If the programmer supplied from us it set to 3.3V.

Powering the device

On the picture these are a red and a black cables.

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial programmer

Plug the programmer into J1 connector

Attention! The GND on the programmer has to be in right position.

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial programmer

Press and hold the Flash button

PRODINo WiFi Tutorial flash button

The steps:

  1. 1
    Powering the device
  2. 2
    Linking a programmer with a computer through USB cable
  3. 3
    In the Arduino IDE set your Programmer port from menu Tools/Port
  4. 4
    Plug the programmer into J1 connector
  5. 5
    Click Verify
  6. 6
    Press and hold a Flash button (B2) on the board. Click Upload
  7. 7
    After starting flash couple of programmer's LEDs, you may release the button